Application of the product: 72053-11020-C0 Toyota Conj.sec.palanca, Control Remoto Reclinacion, Der.

Model Name Issue date Area
LEXUS LC500 (CV) 07.2020 - EU
LEXUS LC500 (CV) 07.2020 - GR
LEXUS LC500 (CV) 07.2020 - JP
LEXUS LC500 (CV) 07.2020 - US

Other descriptions for 72053-11020-C0

· Conj.sec.palanca, Control Remoto Reclinacion, Der. · Lever Sub-Assy, Reclining Remote Control, Rh · Lever Sub-Assy, Reclining Remote Control, Lh · Subconjunto Palanca, Control Remoto Reclin., Izquierdo