Application of the product: 56116-97401 Toyota Stopper, Windshield Glass, No.2

Model Name Issue date Area
PIXIS VAN 12.2011 - JP
PIXIS VAN 12.2021 - JP
RAIZE 10.2019 - JP
RAIZE 04.2021 - GR
RAIZE 04.2021 - US
RUSH 01.2006 - 05.2016 JP
RUSH 11.2008 - 06.2018 US
RUSH 11.2008 - 06.2018 GR
RUSH 12.2017 - GR
RUSH 12.2018 - GR
TANK/ROOMY 11.2016 - JP
VELOZ 06.2022 - GR

Other descriptions for 56116-97401

· Stopper, Windshield Glass, No.2 · Tope, Vidrio Parabrisas, No. 2