Application of the product: 17306-11020 Toyota Kruemmer, Lufteinblas

Model Name Issue date Area
COROLLA 2 05.1986 - 05.1988 JP
COROLLA 2 05.1988 - 09.1990 JP
CORSA/TERCEL 05.1986 - 05.1988 JP
CORSA/TERCEL 05.1988 - 09.1990 JP
TERCEL 08.1986 - 08.1988 EU
TERCEL 08.1986 - 08.1988 US
TERCEL 08.1988 - 09.1990 US
TERCEL 08.1988 - 09.1990 EU

Other descriptions for 17306-11020

· Kruemmer, Lufteinblas · Manifold, Air Injection