Application of the product: 96711-24018 Toyota Junta, Torica

Model Name Issue date Area
CELICA 07.1981 - 12.1985 JP
CELICA 08.1981 - 12.1985 GR
CELICA 08.1981 - 12.1985 EU
CELICA 08.1985 - 08.1987 EU
CELICA 08.1985 - 08.1987 EU
CELICA 08.1985 - 08.1987 GR
CELICA 08.1985 - 08.1987 JP
Modelo Motor Fecha fabr Carr Grado ATM/MTM Traduccion (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
ST160-BLMEL 1SILU 08.1985 - 08.1987 LB SX MTM 5F
ST160-BLMNL 1SILU 08.1985 - 08.1987 LB SV MTM 5F
ST160-BLMSL 1SILU 08.1985 - 08.1987 LB ST MTM 5F
ST160-BLPEL 1SILU 08.1985 - 08.1987 LB SX ATM 4FC
ST160-BLPSL 1SILU 08.1985 - 08.1987 LB ST ATM 4FC
ST162-BLMVF 3SGELU 08.1985 - 08.1987 LB GT MTM 5F
ST162-BLPVF 3SGELU 08.1985 - 08.1987 LB GT ATM 4FC
CELICA 08.1985 - 08.1987 US
CELICA 08.1987 - 08.1989 US
CELICA 08.1987 - 08.1989 JP
CELICA 08.1987 - 08.1989 GR
CELICA 08.1987 - 08.1989 EU
CELICA 08.1987 - 08.1989 EU
CELICA 09.1989 - 09.1993 EU
CELICA 09.1989 - 09.1993 JP

Other descriptions for 96711-24018

· Junta, Torica · Ring, O · Junta, Torica (Cubierta, Orificio Impul. Velocim. Atm) · Ring, O (For Atm Speedometer Driven Hole Cover) · Aro, O (Para Cubierta Orificio Impulsado Ev Velocimetro · Ring, O (For Ev Speedometer Driven Hole Cover) · Junta Torica (Manguito Eje Velocimetro Mtm) · Ring, O (For Mtm Speedometer Shaft Sleeve) · Junta, Torica (Manguito Eje Velocimetro Atm) · Ring, O (For Atm Speedometer Shaft Sleeve) · Junta Torica (Palanca Cambios) · Ring, O(For Shift Lever) · Junta Torica (Subconjunto Palanca Cambios) · Ring, O(For Shift Lever Sub-Assy) · Junta Torica (Palanca Selectora Control) · Ring, 0 (For Control Select Lever) · Junta Torica (Manguito Eje Velocimetro Atm) · Junta Torica (Palanca Cambios Transferencia) · Ring, O (For Transfer Shift Lever) · Ring, O (For Plunger No.1) · Junta Torica No. 2 De Embolo · Ring, O (For Plunger No.2) · Junta Torica (Sensor Velocimetro) · Ring, O (For Speedometer Sensor) · Junta, Torica (Sensor Velocimetro)