Application of the product: 84040-53081 Toyota Schalter,Haupt,Fensterheber,Fremdkraftbetaetigt,Kpl.

Model Name Issue date Area
LEXUS IS F 12.2007 - 08.2014 EU
Modelle(Beschreibung) Motor Herst Dat Kaross Klasse ATM/MTM Ubersetz (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
USE20L-FEZRHW 2URGSE 12.2007 - 08.2014 LHD
LEXUS IS F 12.2007 - 08.2014 US
LEXUS IS250/300 04.2006 - 04.2013 GR
LEXUS IS250/350 08.2005 - 04.2013 US
LEXUS IS250/350/2##D 08.2005 - 04.2013 EU
LEXUS IS250/350/2##D 08.2005 - 04.2013 GR